

Saturday 5 July 2014

Enter to Win the 2014 Bastiat Prize!


TYPE OF CONTEST: Essay Contest
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: In the enduring spirit of Frédéric Bastiat’s brilliant work, the Bastiat Prize for Journalism is given to writers who educate readers by employing Bastiat’s simple, eloquent and witty explanations of complex economic ideas, combined with a clear understanding of markets and their underlying institutions.
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all published writers.
RULES AND REGULATIONS: Full rules and regulations can be found here
PRIZE: Prizes include $10,000 to the winner, $5,000 for 2nd Place, and $1,000 for 3rd.
HOW TO APPLY: Submit your entry here
DEADLINE: July 31, 2014
MORE INFORMATION: For more information click here

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